OSSEC on Ubuntu 16

OSSEC is a HIDS (Host-based Intrusion Detection System) that can perform real-time logfile analysis, rootkit detection, file integrity checking, and notification. Resources: The home page, documentation, and current code. OSSEC works by assembling a “safe” profile of your system and then continuously checking files and processes for deviation from this profile. In particular, for a […]


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Install WP-CLI

The wp-cli command-line utility allows you to manage your WordPress sites without going through the WordPress dashboard, much like Drush does for Drupal. To install Composer and wp-cli on Ubuntu 16.04: Install Composer (I’d recommend not doing this as root.) Install wp-cli This installs wp-cli to $HOME/.config/composer/vendor/wp-cli/wp-cli/bin/wp To make things easier on yourself, symlink it:


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