This is the home server of Geoff Stratton. There's a little more about me on the About page. The server itself lives in Softlayer's DAL02/06 data center in downtown Dallas, Texas, geolocation 32 47 32.599 N 96 48 53.11 W 125m 10m 100m 10m.
I use this place mostly as a personal knowledge base, although I keep it public in case anything useful emerges. Caveat emptor, and don't go handling snake-skin.
Consider everything posted here to be covered by the GNU Public License Version 3. You should read the whole license, but essentially it means you can do anything you want with the code, including bundle it up and sell it as a new application. The catch is that if you make and distribute a new app, you are required to make all the source code available for free to everyone.